Order your workshop equipment through our web shop

Do you know what you need and want fast delivery? Through our online shop Torros you will find a complete range of workshop tools, workshop fittings and other workshop equipment. Below you can go directly to the desired category on the shop, but once on the website you can also easily navigate to the other categories.

All details about the products, availability and prices are clear on our webshop. After your order, you will receive confirmation and invoicing directly from Torros. Do you still have questions afterwards? You can always contact the Torros customer service department for further support.

Bestel direct op onze webshop torros.nl

Onze webshop biedt de mogelijkheid om direct te bestellen, waarbij alles verder wordt afgehandeld door Torros. Voor aanvragen met betrekking tot projecten of maatwerk, verzoeken we u terug te keren naar de website www.vdhmachines.nl